Introduction to music

Music is an ancient pre-verbal language, which comes directly from nature and according to some scholars in anyone there is an innate musicality.
In fact, the first musical cradle, in which the child dwells for nine long months, is the womb (the child feels protected and lulled by the heartbeat of the mother, by the timbre and intonation of his voice, by the sounds and noises of the everyday environment).
In the delicate period of their growth it is very important that children receive different and numerous stimuli to mature a progressive knowledge of the different aspects of reality and that they can experience first-hand their resources and their limits.
In particular, for the children attending the kindergarten, this aspect is fundamental as they go through an age of development in which they begin to explore with curiosity and interest the world around them, and to establish the first meaningful relationships with people not strictly belonging to the family circle.
Precisely in this special phase of growth, children are particularly receptive to the stimuli they receive from the outside and begin to form and experience their individual creative skills.
In this regard, theatrical experience is an important tool for self-discovery, personal creativity and cooperative interaction with others.
All this acquires even more value within the dimension of the workshop, organized according to a project that takes into account the age of development of children and managed so that they can begin to venture with wonder and emotion into the world of theater.


  • Acquire rhythmic skills through body movement and experimentation with appropriate sound objects and musical instruments
  • Improving the timing of attention and involvement in musical activity
  • Fostering relations between children through the use of mediators
  • Enhancement of imagination and mimic expression


Babies (0-12 mesi)

For infants we start the laboratory presenting the instruments on a purely sensory level. We learn to know them first with sight and then playing with touch.
We discover, the weight, the shape, the consistency and finally also the acoustic and sound characteristics.
Once the children become familiar with the instruments I introduce songs and melodies to their notes inviting them to follow me with the voice.
This exercise aims to develop lallation. Of great support at this stage are the coloured carpet and especially the plastic balls. By associating the singing with the throwing of balls they involve themselves in children in a very effective way.
The average duration of a session is half an hour.

Semidivezzi (12-24 mesi)

For the semidivezzi after an initial phase of presentation in which, thanks to the sheep Juliet, I try to put them at ease and involve them in the activity, we introduce the musical instruments, the sound they produce and finally the noise of silence.
Then with the help of Juliet I tell a story. At this stage the children are invited to use the instruments to accompany the story with appropriate sounds (the drum is the step of the elephant, the maracas the snake, the xylophone a bird).
The goal in this case is to acquire rhythmic, mimic and coordination skills through the instrument of imagination.
At the end of the session we put the instruments asleep in the basket while the sheep Juliet thanks them for playing with her.
Session duration: 45 minutes.

Divezzi (24-36 mesi)

With the divezzi we follow the plot of sound history, but the creative involvement of children is wider and embraces both the musical and the theatrical.
The development of the limbs allows them to explore new expressive nuances of the instrument: piano, strong, slow, fast are recent achievements to discover and savor thanks to the comparison with the group.
The children participate in the construction of the story, the musical accompaniment and the interpretation with mimic or acting. As for the average, the sheep Juliet is always a central element in the development of the activity, but this time more as a simple animator, stripped at least in part of the hypnotic fascination that enchanted the little ones.
Session duration: 60 minutes.

Quick Info

Addressed to:
  • kindergarden
  • families
Age range:0-3 years
N° partecipants:Max 10 kids
Duration:2 hours
Required material:None
Place:Outdoor or indoor